How To

How to decorate using black and white

image: furniture.trendzona.comUsing different textures to create visual interest. Image: Feminine yet bold. Image: counter tops add contrast to white inteiors Contemporary bathroom in black and whiteBy Rami Moorosi

Colour scheme trends come and go, but the allure of a black and white combination will always be timeless. This makes a great decorating theme for living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms. From classic to contemporary, traditional and eclectic – the possibilities are endless.

Create depth and interest by using different tones, textures and mediums to craft attractive black and white interiors.

This scheme looks especially well when there are unexpected pops or splashes colour. Let the black and white combination form the canvas; from there accent pieces can be used to create interesting colour combinations.

Depending on personal preferences, two basic looks can be created: the soft look or hard geometrics. To soften the look use soft colours such as pastels for accent colours. For a harder look use bold splashes of colour.

To keep a room feeling big and bright, allow light to bounce around the walls by choosing a stark white paint, and introduce black accents via furniture and accessories.

When it comes to accessories, buy accessories that are either all white or all black, rather than a black-and-white pattern. This way when you get tired of the look you can easily blend the items with a new scheme.

Do you love the black and white look, or do you need more colour in your life? Leave a comment as we would love to hear from you.



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