Bricks And Mortar Landscaping

Going potty

By Svenja Gernoth

Many home owners are choosing to create or update their existing gardens to reflect a more hassle-free and water-wise theme and this is where the integration of pots and pebbles comes into play.

Pots, whether terracotta, cement, fibreglass, clay or steel, can add a creative touch to any garden. Tim Horn, creative director of Abacus Gardens, says that the rule of thumb when choosing a pot is “bigger is better since larger pots allow for greater rooting space and ultimately a happier plant”. However, it is important to note that not all plants are ideal as pot plants.

Aesthetics also play an important role. Michelle Fioroni of Styler Pots says: “If your space is large and open, a small delicate pot would be lost, and if your space is tiny, a large oversized pot may dominate the area.”

This leads us to our next popular hardscaping element: pebbles. Jonathan Newton, general manager of Water Plant, notes: “With the move towards more water-wise gardening, pebbles are being used much more frequently.” The most popular trends are using contrasting pebbles between beds, flowers, for edging or as a main focal point.

In regards to colour and size, experts suggest adhering to one colour en masse such as white, red, charcoal or black.

Landscapers recommend using a bidum cloth under the pebbles as it prevents the soil from mixing with them, and geo fabrics such as weed-guard prevent weeds from growing between the pebbles but still allow the water to get to the plants in the bed. Both pots and pebbles are ideal accents in the garden and create texture and contrast in dull areas.

