How To Landscaping

How to start a container garden



Image: www.valeaston.comImage:

Image: www.windandweather.comImage:

I’ve always wanted to grow my own food and plants but thought it was impossible since I do not have enough outdoor space. That’s until I discovered container gardening. The term refers to the practice of growing plants in containers as opposed to planting them in the ground. Gardening enthusiasts have been doing it for centuries and the practice has grown in popularity these days.

Due to modern homes having limited garden space as well as soil and climate that is unsuitable for growing certain plants, more and more established and even aspiring green thumbs around the globe are container gardening. It is also easier and more affordable than traditional gardening and best of all you can do it most spaces. Sold on the idea? Great! Here’s some advice to get you started.

What you need:

  • Seeds
  • Soil and/or compost
  • Pots and containers
  • A watering can/jug
  • A workspace (an area where you can work with the soil, containers and so forth)
  • Something to scoop your soil /compost into the containers

Some useful tips:


Make a rough plan of what you’re planting and where. When doing this, consider things like where you live; whether you want to place the containers indoors or outside on your balcony; and most importantly think about the climate of the area you live in. This will help you decide what kind of containers you will need and which plants, herbs or vegetables are best for your garden and your lifestyle.


Just about anything can be turned into a container. Some people get creative and use wood crates and plastic laundry baskets. But there are things to consider when choosing these vessels. For instance if you live in a windy area and your container is going to be outside, you will need a heavy container with a sturdy base so it does not tip over. You also need to think about what you will be planting when looking when containers. Vegetables usually need deeper pots to grow well. When shopping for containers, it is best to get advice from professionals before making a final purchase.


When it comes to soil, don’t just go out to your garden for it. The soil from here might have insects, rubbish and other unwanted things that could harm or impeded the growth of what you are planting. It is better to go to a nursery and purchase a potting mix.


It is quite difficult to over water container gardens, as generally the extra water does tend to drain out of the container – however, it is possible. Over watering plants can wash away essential nutrients and under watering can impede their growth. Find out how often your plants need to be watered (for most plants, once a day is enough) and make watering your plants a part of your daily routine. Try to think of ways that will make it easier for you, for instance, if the containers that you have are located outside, you could put them close to the sprinklers.


Sunlight is necessary for any plant to grow. Find out how much sun each plant needs before you buy it. If you don’t have a garden, get shade-friendly plants that you can put on your balcony or patio.


Different plants have different nutritional needs – conduct research online or ask for advice at the nursery to find out how much fertiliser each plant needs. If you are not good with measurements, opt for a potting mix with fertiliser added to it already.


SA Home Owner Online

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