How To

Keep your home warm the stylish way

Winter has well and truly arrived. It’s time to break out the hot chocolate and talk about how all you want to do is just curl up in bed with a good book.

You’re not going to enjoy the winter season if you’re shivering from one room to another though, so it’s also time to fortify your home with cosiness and warmth. However, temperature control need not be a totally unstylish endeavour.

Fuzzy floor insulation

Woolly carpets and rugs prevent warm air from escaping through the floorboards. They also provide a warmer touch for when your bare toes first make their appearance from bed in the cold morning. Carpets and rugs can also really tie a room together or bring a dash of colour and texture to a drab area.

Make a toasty hidey hole

Turn your bed into an oasis of warmth with duvets, pillows and blankets. Your bed can be used as a focal point in your bedroom, which is a pretty neat décor trick to master, because it characterises a room and draws the eye to the area you want to emphasise.

While you’re at it, throw a few blankets in the spots you’re likely to be lounging in, like at the desk or on the couch. They can be stylish accent pieces that make the whole room that much cosier.


Nothing paints a more perfect picture of winter than a crackling fireplace. Add to that a glass of red wine and that aforementioned book you keep meaning to read and you’re all set.

Don’t have the infrastructure to support a fire (or just don’t like the mess)? No problem. There are a wide range of fireplaces that are easy and mess free. They can be mounted on walls and burn using gel fuel canisters. Not only do they give you the heat you crave, they add an atmosphere to the home that’s difficult to beat.

These small adjustments won’t break the bank, but they’ll tide you over till spring comes. Till then, enjoy your winter.


SA Home Owner Online

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