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Luxurious tiles

Sustainability is a cornerstone in Wolkberg Casting Studios’ design philosophy. Its co-founder Ramielle de Jager shares how it is the company’s mission to bring to the forefront sustainable options that are beautiful, elegant, luxurious and functional.

There is a misconception that recycled and reused products are not as good as a brand new product and tend to look crafty. For a while this might have been the case. However manufacturers and brands all around the world have been working on this problem to make green products better and more acceptable to a wider audience and not just to the activists of green living.

We need a culture shift. That gap between the convenience of a wasteful lifestyle and an eco-conscious lifestyle is getting smaller and smaller. This can be seen in action with Polo SA who has recently joined forces with The Joinery SA in a line of luxury accessories made from recycled plastic bottles.

Wolkberg is doing the same with its Evolve Range, which uses up to 81% recycled material and 100% local raw materials to manufacture a range of luxurious tiles, architectural precast, furniture and any other bespoke commissions.

When selecting eco-friendly tiles…

1. Do your research

Research into expanding the use of waste that is unusable in other industries is well under way. Wolkberg is also working with fashion brands on ways to recycle manufacturing waste into products that can last a lifetime and more.

2. Go for timeless product

The ideal product is not one that is trendy; it is a product that is timeless. These are products that get better with time, or even as they age and change, and are still relevant and beautiful like the amazing brass accents on concrete architecture in Rome and Paris. These materials have stood the test of time and can still be appreciated today when you see them.

3. Consider sustainability

Consider sustainability when purchasing items for your home. We must start somewhere, so let’s start right here at home. Buying local is an easy way to start your sustainability journey. Local means there are less carbon emissions involved because the product is not being transported long distances on sea and airfreight.

4. Choose local

Consider the fact that cheap products are much like fast fashion. They don’t always come from sustainable sources. This also leads to poor quality products that must be replaced in a short space of time, adding to the waste issue.

Find local alternatives to products you find online that need to be imported. Let’s be conscious buyers for the sake of our future generations.



SA Home Owner Online

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