
Mediterranean villa

By Justine Olivier, Project consultant Romaine Roberts, Photography Nic Baleta

The exterior of this abode has a Mediterranean feel with an Italian villa style, and one can almost imagine oneself in a foreign city overlooking the serene countryside with the sounds of music filling the air from the town below. Adding to this, an air of romance can be felt throughout this unique abode as the European architecture, including the spacious garden area, large pool and Jacuzzi, not forgetting the interior living spaces add a personal touch and flavour to this magnificent villa.

The villa theme is carried into the interior of the abode as the walls become attractions in their own right, further complemented by the choice of furniture – which greatly reflects the personality of those living within.

After shopping around the owners found old furniture pieces from Johannesburg to Franshhoek. Old, new and interesting features were combined creating a fascinating amalgamation of contemporary flair paired with a classical design. Evident in the striking bathroom, the design concept boasts a contemporary touch while carrying a European theme. The use of angel sculptures on either side of the bathtub as well as the placement of chandelier-like lighting fixtures above create the perfect tranquil ambience for this particular room.

A clear favourite of the home owners is the main bedroom with its high ceilings and stunning fireplace adding a soft and romantic ambience to the interior. Sophistication and opulence flow through the home in various pieces while comfort and luxury emanate from the furnishings within.

