How To

The perfect gallery wall

Written by Simone Suckerman

Gallery walls are a wonderful way to make a personal statement, and to tell your story. Versatile and easy to create, gallery walls are at home anywhere – from bedrooms to formal lounges, staircase landings to small alcoves. For people who love texture, layering, colour and art, nothing beats the gallery wall and, with no hard and fast rules, creativity can run riot.

To create your perfect gallery wall, consider the guidelines below:

Eclectic: All manner of art and objects can be showcased together on an eclectic gallery wall. Illustrations, mirrors, maps, botanicals, mounted statues, vintage signage, movie posters, travel souvenirs and art are striking displayed on the same wall. To add interest and texture to an eclectic display consider uncoordinated framing and mounting, and include a few unframed objects. Eclectic gallery walls work best with a nonlinear, informal arrangement.

Formal: For a more elegant, staid gallery wall aim to achieve a unified look. Hang frames in a neat grid with equal spacing. Choose the same frames for all art and prints and coordinate the colouring so that all art and prints are either in black and white or in colour.

Collected: A gallery wall is the perfect platform to showcase your collections. Collections of vintage china plates, mirrors and botanical prints look beautiful displayed on walls. Family portraits and collected memorabilia – which can include marriage and award certificates, letters and postcards, newspaper cuttings and photographs of family homes – also make a striking personal feature. Mix and match picture frames so that the display feels like it has been collected over time.

Shelving: Shelving can be incorporated into a gallery wall feature. Geometric boxes organise objects and create a modern, futuristic display which can be integrated into an eclectic gallery wall.

Good to know: To start, create a focal point by hanging two to four pieces at the centre of the wall, at the same height, and add different pieces from there. Try out your arrangement of objects on the floor before hanging it to be sure it works, and play with a few layouts until you decide on the best one for your gallery wall.


Simone Suckerman

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