Green Living

All about glass film

Did you know that glass film will not only help you decrease energy usage, but also add a stylish element to your home? Here are four reasons why glass film is great…

Preserves natural light

Some homes and work places require artificial lighting to be switched on all day. This is a massive drain on energy resources. Frosted glass film still lets 93% of natural light into your home or office. In comparison, blinds only let in 75-80%. This means that if you install glass film on your windows and glass doors, you won’t need to use as much artificial lighting indoors – a massive energy saver. Why waste energy when you can enjoy the benefits of natural light instead?

It’s worth noting that while frosted glass film lets natural light in, it cuts out irritating glare. The main problem associated with glare is that it makes computer screens difficult to work on. This is one of the main reasons why most offices choose to cover their windows, sacrificing natural light and opting to use artificial lighting instead. Glass film solves this problem by preserving natural light and cutting out glare.

Keeps heat out during summer and warmth in during winter.

Big windows and glass sliding or stacking doors are wonderful for making your home bright and airy. On very hot days, however, sitting near a window can become uncomfortable as the heat is transferred through the glass.

Glass film acts as an insulator for your home or office, helping to ward off the intense heat of summer and trapping warmth inside during winter. Glass film insulates your home by slowing the transfer of heat through your glass windows and doors.

Because glass film helps to insulate your home or office, it saves you on heating costs. This is especially beneficial in South Africa, where our summers are always hot and winters often cold.

Filters out 95% of UV rays, protecting your carpets, furniture and curtains.

Apart from the enormous health benefits of blocking out dangerous UV rays, glass film also protects your carpets, furniture and curtains from fading due to exposure to UV rays. Shielding your furniture and fixtures in this way will extend their lives considerably.

Other window frosting methods, such as sandblasting, don’t filter out harmful UV rays.

Adds pizzazz to your home

Applying frosted glass film to your windows not only allows you to save energy and money, it also allows you to creatively decorate your home or office. Glass film decals can be custom-designed to fit your personal décor style or taste.



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